I really don't mind weather in the 20s. 25-30 would be great. I actually prefer it to the wet spring weather, as this causes muddy dog feet that need to washing every time they go out. Especially Bandit: being a German shepherd he is lower to the ground and trots around getting his legs and entire undercarriage muddy, every single time he goes out. At least Sadie has ground clearance. So, frozen ground and snow = cleaner dogs. I just want clear, dry streets.
So, while I whine about the weather and make excuses for not training, I look at a list of potential races and think about how the April opportunities will not work unless I get my butt moving very soon. I'm looking at a spring marathon somewhere in April-May, and have considered St. Louis, Nashville, Cincinnati, or Illinois. I have heard St. Louis is a nice race, but it is the earliest of these (4/11), and I'm not sure how motivated I am to get started yesterday. Nashville (4/24) would be cool, as I can visit dad and heard it's a great race, especially now that it's a Rock & Roll brand. But the down side is with the new branding, the entry fee is a bit high ($30-40 more than others). I like expos and races with good schwag, but for that much more I can just buy stuff. Illinois (5/1) might be cool, and then there is The Flying Pig in Cincinnati (5/2). These races are nearly a month later, allowing more time to prepare. I'm a bit torn on the Cincinnati. I didn't have a good experience there last year (which I wrote about HERE), and I seem to recall telling myself I would try a different spring marathon in 2010. So why am I even considering it? I don't know. Maybe it's a way to beat it. It was hillier than I thought, but that's what training is for.
Besides the spring marathon, I'm looking at an April sprint triathlon too, but unless I get started again and quickly, I should just save my entry fee for later races. For the season, I have been looking at about two races per month, a mix of duathlons and triathlons, with a bike time trial thrown in for fun. I'm considering the Muncie Endurathon for this year, but I will hedge that until I have a solid training plan to which I can commit.
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